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DLAD Update February 2024

Thank you for your support for our work to create a people-centered post-disaster registry. Good data will make efficient and equitable recovery easier for our neighbors in any future disasters.

Luckily, we avoided any major disasters over the summer of 2023 in Southern Oregon, so our Vanguard Group didn’t have to swing into action.

It’s been a few months since our last update, so there’s a lot of good news to share.

The biggest news is that the core ideas of DLAD, that you helped us refine, have been adopted by recovery professionals in government and industry. Many are being built into standard disaster response and recovery processes via the solution provider to Oregon and Hawaii (among many other states), FuturityIT.

Given this tremendous development, we have shifted our approach from building a local solution to shaping the work of the agencies, vendors, and local organizations who will carry the effort forward.

We have been working the last few months to create content to serve communities like ours across the country:

We are happy to know that your inputs have made a difference, but we also want to be sure that any emergent needs are met in the future. To that end, we have posted all our learnings on this site so that you can build upon them to influence future refinements to the data registry and case management solutions. To explore our thinking on current and future solutions, start here.

In Southern Oregon, the JCCLTRG and RVCOAD organizations are working closely to support preparedness and recovery. Together with their local partners we will be better prepared for any future disasters.

Thank you for all of your good work,

Please reach out if you have any questions.

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Local Innovation Works Updates and Invitations

Hi, I hope you are well.  

Just an invitation or two and a quick update. 


Our commitment to supporting innovation in our community continues with a discussion on how citizens can better collaborate with each other and city government with Ashland Mayor Julie Akins and Interim City Manager Gary Milliman.  This program on community driven leadership is a collaboration with our friends at Southern Oregon Climate Action Now.   We will meet virtually on Sunday evening, November 14th at 5pm.  Register for the Zoom meeting here (link expired).

We have also been supporting the work of Reimagine and Rebuild Rogue Valley (R3V) as they seek to turn tragedy into transformation.  We work to facilitate community conversations and projects around attainably priced housing supply and community rebuilding to build trust, inclusion, equity, and efficiency across sectors.  Soon, we’ll add conversations around resilient public infrastructure and rebuilding our economy.  Our meetings are open to all, find upcoming events here.  Add them to your calendar or email me and I will add you to the invite lists for future meetings. 


Here’s a nice video piece by the Mail Tribune (no longer available) on some of our work in the community.  Zone captains is a partnership with founding organization, Remake Talent, and Rogue Workforce Partnership who helps fund the Zone Captain’s work.  Zone Captains (Español) are hiring part and full time positions  if you know anyone who is a community weaver in Talent or Phoenix. 

Of course, we are also continuing our work bridging SOU students into leadership development and community service opportunities via our Local Innovation Lab partnership with Southern Oregon University.  We’re also elated to partner with the university in offering a Values-based Leadership micro credential to community members and full-time students.

I’d love to learn more about your vision for local innovation and resilience. 

Have a lovely week,

Stephen Bárczay Sloan​

c/t (541) 414.9506
Find a time on my calendar

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Front Page News!

Local Innovation Lab interns are making a real difference in our valley’s recovery from the twin disasters of 2020.  Their impact was recently featured in our local newspaper.

The article features Local Innovation Lab intern Hannah Brandt, who worked with the City of Phoenix to clean up their post-Almeda fire water billing and helped them with their 2021-2022 fiscal budget. To quote:

Brandt is one of the first beneficiaries of Local Innovation Lab, a project borne from the 501c3 nonprofit Local Innovation Works, whose genesis can be traced back to a conversation between Humane Leadership Institute founder Stephen Sloan and Local Innovation Lab program director Ellen Holty. Last April, Sloan had just published his book “Humane Leadership: Tools to Engage, Empower, and Improve Performance” and had planned to go on a book tour down the West Coast. Then COVID-19 struck, which led to a heart-to-heart between Sloan and Holty.

“You just wrote a book about leadership, and our community needs leaders more than ever,” Holty told Sloan. “What are you going to do, here, now?”

Here’s how Hannah was impacted by the experience.

Brandt said her internship with the city of Phoenix has been an eye-opener, and a godsend.

“Honestly, better than I even imagined,” she said. “I was excited to get experience in the field I want to go down, number one, and number two, just to be involved in the community has been amazing. I haven’t had that opportunity, especially with COVID and everything. It’s been a lot of being at home and not going and seeing anything. So getting to talk with people in the community and help out has been awesome and more than I could have asked for.”

Read the whole article here

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Local Innovation Lab Internships Autumn 2020

This term 10 interns worked on six projects to support fire relief and capacity building within our organization.

Post Almeda Fire Community Rebuild Opportunities

Interns: Jesse Jo, Karina, Kadyn, Makayla
Clients: Linda Tetreault

The original objective of this project was to create land asset maps of possible rebuild sites by compiling public record information and inputs from the affected community.

As it became clear that available land was not immediately suitable for rebuilding, the focus of this project pivoted to a three-pointed study. Interns have researched the current assets of the town of Talent– including its long range plan, emergency declarations, local housing solution initiatives, grassroots organizations, and potential buildable land sites. They have also researched other fire affected areas and their rebuild efforts, as well as other temporary and long-term low income housing solutions from across the country. Their synthesis of how various solutions might serve the needs of the fire-affected community in Talent, and a presentation of those scenarios and recommendations, is the culmination of their project.

Team’s Showcase Video

Community Listening Session Learnings

Intern: Aileen, Jorge, Karina
Client: Local Innovation Works

Knowing that input from the largely Latino community of fire-displaced people would be critical in rebuilding the Rogue Valley, we partnered with My Valley My Home to participate in their community listening circles. Because the leadership of that organization was somewhat slow to gel, their listening circles were slow to materialize, and we opted to join intern Karina Medina’s involvement with the Northwest Seasonal Workers Association. This group of interns attended weekly meetings of 30 to 50 members, listening to their collective experiences, concerns, and ideas around the rebuild. Many of the members shared their frustrations with FEMA, the Red Cross, and their landlords, and the interns’ reports to our group about their learnings informed the efforts of all our other projects. We have also reached out to representatives from Unete and the Zone Captain group organized by Remake Talent to further our collaboration with those displaced by the Almeda fire.

Aileen’s Showcase Video

Karina’s Showcase Video

Development Research and Administration

Intern: Tina
Client: Julie O’Dwyer of My Valley My Home and Local Innovation Works

This massive undertaking has included the research of funding sources and the creation of a list of potential donors and supporters of LIW and MVMH, researching grant opportunities and developing granting schedules for both organizations, developing preliminary program budgets, and developing preliminary grant application template information.

Tina’s Showcase Video

Community Investment Fund

Intern: Cassandra
Client: Bob Kaplan, Local Innovation Works

A community investment fund is a new concept for us in the Rogue Valley, and a possible way to provide seed funds to local innovations that meet community needs and create jobs. This project involved researching already established community funds as well as preparing our community for a presentation of and community wide conversations about establishing such a fund.

Cassandra’s Showcase Video

Marketing – Website/Video

Intern: Grayson
Client: Stephen Sloan and Ellie Holty of LIW

This project provides marketing support for LIW by creating promotional video, updating website content. You can see his video work here. And webpages he built here and here.

Grayson’s Showcase Video

Opportunities for Job Creation and Needs

Intern: Haylee
Clients: Stephen Sloan & Julie O’Dwyer of Local Innovation Works

This pivotal project has ensured the continued success of the Local Innovation Lab program. The objective was to contact nonprofits and businesses in the community who could possibly create new jobs and expand their services with the help of one of our interns. Haylee not only made LIW some great partnerships and internship clients, but identified a number of organizations with immediate needs for new hires that we could support with our network in the Winter term of 2021.

Haylee’s Showcase Video

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Fire Preparedness

Download the PulsePoint app. We follow both Jackson County Fire District #5 and Ashland Fire & Rescue. on Facebook. Focused on weather forecasting and climatology within Southern Oregon and Northern California. He also provides updates on local and regional wildfires during the summer months. You won’t find a more accurate weather source for our region.

Jackson County Police and Fire Live Scanner Audio

Active Fire Map from

Trip Check for Oregon road incidents, closures, and cameras

AirNow for regular AQI updates and smoke map

Jackson County Live Scanner UpdatesTranscribed This link may need to be updated, as the thread is replaced when it has 1,000 comments. Scroll to bottom of the thread for next link.

Ashland Fire Department Air Pollution – Bit delayed, but has every-three-hour, six-day forecasts of wind direction and speed

We enjoy the mesmerizing depiction of global wind currents at Windfinder.