“You don’t trust me!”
“I want to trust you, but you aren’t being responsible!”
I’ve heard versions of this conversation between teens and their parents many times lately.
There might be another way.
The Challenges of Being and Raising Teenagers
- Teens want more freedom
- Parents want to see more responsibility
- Lack of clarity about the relationship between liberty and responsibility
- Teens, like any rational human, want to optimize for freedom with minimal responsibility
- Parents see the adult world looming ahead of their child and feel an uncomfortable disconnect
- Teens need clear methods to demonstrate increasingly responsible behaviors
These challenges got me thinking about how to get teens and parents what they need with far less strife. I think there may be a way that works for at least some of you.
A Method For Teens To Earn More Freedom
Through this approach you will
- Discover new ways of looking at the process of being a young adult
- Learn an empowering approach to taking on responsibility
- Develop habits of self empowerment to earn the freedom you need
- Invest proactive, creative effort to building your own life
I built these ideas into a short online course.
Free Course On Freedom for Young Adults
The course is available online 24/7 and requires no registration. It takes about 30 minutes to watch all the videos.
Success Means Freedom For All
In the end, both parents and young adults want freedom. Young people want to experience all of life and parents want to see their children becoming super capable adults who can successfully meet the creative opportunities of life. It’s important to remember that in most cases, everyone involved wants the same thing, for young adults to be prepared to live successfully, creatively, authentically in the world.
When this process works well, everyone involved gains freedom, hope, empowerment, and new life-long friendships out of what can be a difficult few teen years.
Who Created This and Why Is It Free?
In my Humane Leadership work, I help adults be more effective and humane with themselves and their teams.
I’ve seen a lot of lovely people, teens and parents, suffer unnecessarily through the process of the teenage years.
I teach at the high school and college levels and have raised three successful young adults through the challenges of divorce and modern American and internet culture. This simple approach has worked well for our family, I hope it empowers you and your family too.
I hope this course helps you make this important transition to adulthood with a bit more joy and grace.
- Share this course with anyone you think might benefit from it.
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- Sign up for our email list for very occasional updates (maybe 3 times per year)
- Read the Humane Leadership book
- Take the Humane Leadership online course
- Reach out if you have any questions or ideas
I hope that your next steps bring you unexpected blessings,