Hi, I hope you are well.
Just an invitation or two and a quick update.
Our commitment to supporting innovation in our community continues with a discussion on how citizens can better collaborate with each other and city government with Ashland Mayor Julie Akins and Interim City Manager Gary Milliman. This program on community driven leadership is a collaboration with our friends at Southern Oregon Climate Action Now. We will meet virtually on Sunday evening, November 14th at 5pm. Register for the Zoom meeting here (link expired).
We have also been supporting the work of Reimagine and Rebuild Rogue Valley (R3V) as they seek to turn tragedy into transformation. We work to facilitate community conversations and projects around attainably priced housing supply and community rebuilding to build trust, inclusion, equity, and efficiency across sectors. Soon, we’ll add conversations around resilient public infrastructure and rebuilding our economy. Our meetings are open to all, find upcoming events here. Add them to your calendar or email me and I will add you to the invite lists for future meetings.
Here’s a nice video piece by the Mail Tribune (no longer available) on some of our work in the community. Zone captains is a partnership with founding organization, Remake Talent, and Rogue Workforce Partnership who helps fund the Zone Captain’s work. Zone Captains (Español) are hiring part and full time positions if you know anyone who is a community weaver in Talent or Phoenix.
Of course, we are also continuing our work bridging SOU students into leadership development and community service opportunities via our Local Innovation Lab partnership with Southern Oregon University. We’re also elated to partner with the university in offering a Values-based Leadership micro credential to community members and full-time students.
I’d love to learn more about your vision for local innovation and resilience.
Have a lovely week,
Stephen Bárczay Sloan
c/t (541) 414.9506
Find a time on my calendar